Handheld laser welding machine with rotating worktable: improve efficiency and reduce burden
With the continuous development of science andtechnology, the field of industrial manufacturing is also constantly innovating. Handheld laser welding machines equipped with rotating worktables have become a new way of working, which play an important role in the welding process.In recent years, handheld laser welding technology has been widely used in the industrial field. Compared with traditional welding methods, handheld
laser welding machines have many advantages, such as high weld quality, fast welding speed, small heat affected zone, etc. However, since the welding process requires handheld equipment, the operator needs to maintain a stable hand posture, which can be a big challenge for workers.

1.In order to solve the difficulties in operating ahandheld laser welding machine, equipping it with a rotating worktable has become a solution. A rotary table is a device that rotates around its own axis and holds welding objects on it. By rotating the worktable, the welding object can maintain a stable position during the welding process, and the welding worker only needs to operate the handheld laser welding machine without having
to consider the position change of the welding object.
2.Handheld laser welding machines equipped with arotating worktable can significantly improve welding efficiency. First, the welding object is fixed on the rotating worktable, eliminating the need for
manual continuous adjustment of the welding position, which greatly reduces the operator's workload. Secondly, during the welding process, the rotary table can rotate at a constant speed as needed, thereby achieving a more uniform and consistent welding operation. This method can also reduce pause time during the
welding process and improve overall production efficiency.
3.The handheld laser welding machine equipped with arotating worktable not only improves efficiency but also reduces the burden on workers. Compared with traditional handheld welding operations, welding workers
can fix the welding machine on the workbench when using this combination, reducing the continuous stability requirements of the hand and reducing the risk of hand fatigue. This is particularly important during long welding
operations, improving worker comfort and reducing the risk of injuries.
Conclusion: The combination of a handheld laserwelding machine equipped with a rotary table brings many advantages to the welding process, including increased efficiency and reduced worker burden. With
the continuous advancement of industrial manufacturing technology, we can expect this combination to be applied and promoted in more fields, bringing higher benefits and better working conditions to industrial manufacturing.